Since 1962 close to 295,000 people have disappeared in Mexico, and over 111,000 have not been found. Thousands of people across the country are still looking for their loved ones, especially mothers who will not rest until they find their children.
Three years after her daughter, Rubi, went missing in Orizaba, Veracruz Mexico, Araceli Salcedo decided to start a collective in her own community. Today there are over 350 members in the group, and 90% of them are mothers. Together they have successfully found 15 people alive, returned 71 bodies, and spotted 53 clandestine graves in the past year. However, most of these women have not found their children.
One of the coping and healing mechanisms that Araceli created for the mothers in her collective are muñecos sanadores or “healing dolls”. The dolls represent each of their children and serve as a tool to help them navigate the void that their loved ones left behind.
Inés trabaja como costurera en un taller donde periódicamente le hacen pruebas de embarazo. Al quedar embarazada, está segura de que su condición hará que la despidan. Ella hará todo lo posible por mantenerlo en secreto.

Jean Chapiro is a Student Academy Award winning filmmaker and journalist from Mexico City. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from The University of Pennsylvania in 2021 with a major in Communication, Visual Studies, and Cinema Studies. She holds an MS in Documentary Journalism from Columbia University and is currently completing an MFA in Film at Columbia University. Through filmmaking, Jean seeks to bridge the gap between entertainment, art and journalism. Jean believes that storytelling is at the core of human existence and has the power to cut across political, cultural, and geographical borders.
Selma Cervantes es una directora mexicana que se afilió a la Academia Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas tras recibir una nominación al Mejor Cortometraje de Ficción por su proyecto Manchester Acatitla. Su segundo cortometraje, Chica de Fábrica, se estrenó en el Festival de Sundance.
México · 2023 · 19´ · Spanish · · SUB
Director · Dirección
Jean Chapiro
Screenplay · Guion
Cinematography · Fotografía
Cesar Chiquito
Music · Música
Antonio Millán
Sound · Sonido
Jared Neal
Production design · Director de arte
Editor · Edición
Perla María Gutiérrez
Producer · Productor
Jean Chapiro, Cesar Chiquito
Cast · Intérpretes
Araceli Salcedo Jiménez, Colectivo Familias de los Desaparecidos Orizaba-Córdoba
Contact · Contacto
Jean Chapiro